Enticing Mr. Wrong - Ch. 50.2
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I can't believe Aisha is so quick to think Bonz is guilty but if I think about her own guilty secret, it's easy to see why she would believe.
Jessie: There was some truth to what E-Blade said. Bonz does like to own whatever he's connected to. Over the years he spent a lot of money getting his ladies' makeovers done at Dominic's shop.
Carrie: Aisha is waiting 2 weeks to give herself time to exact the right revenge. She can be impulsive with some things, but when it comes to revenge, she likes to think things through a lot more. Remember how strategic she is.
To all: I'm can't answer certain questions because it would be telling the story. Since we're almost at the end anyway, I'm concentrating on posting faster so that your questions can be answered that way.
Also there are a few unexpected surprises coming up that y'all are going to say, "What?! Naw, Suprina. No, you didn't."
And yet I did. Felt led to. *giggling* It's juicy.
Okay, just got out of class. Going to do some editing so I can post more chapters tonight.