Enticing Mr. Wrong - Ch. 57.1

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Suprina said…
To all: Don't y'all think its wonderful how Bonz had a prayer warrior of his own. Aisha had Laquetta and Jarrett.

Stay tuned...
Anonymous said…
Tears of JOY, thank you Lord. OMG! Thank you for Mother Ingram. Yes, Bonz has his very own warrior. God is so good. I honestly believe we are living every line of this story. Suprina, girl you are amazing. You have captured events of everyday realities like never before, we are riveted. We've felt every emotion there is during the reading of this story. It has become a part of us. I know Kim, Marlene, Tonia and Subrina would agree. This is the level that I prayed about and God is answering that prayer. I feel it girl. Let Him use you.
Anonymous said…
Praise God!, I don't think I could take it if Racker died.
Now, lets heal Bonz.

Cami is still so lost with her "IF Onlys". If only this and if only that. Bonz didn't make this tragedy happen by refusing her or telling on E-Blade. She needs a book of her own called IF ONLY.
Suprina said…
Tonia: That is an excellent title for a book. Permission to use it? (for Cami's future book). If so, I'll give you a free copy once it's done.

Oh, yeah, I'm thinking about changing the title of Aisha's book to maybe:

"Enticing...Loving Mr. Wrong."
Anonymous said…
Sure use them both. It would a honor to know you used something I suggested. The more I am reading Enticiing Mr. Wrong, the more like Loving Mr. Wrong. Because this whole book is about love. The power and mercy of God's Love, Your Love for your cousin and your family. Aisha's Love for her brother and Bonz. Racker's Love for his lady and his friend Bonz. Even E-blade's love for Delia and the love of the game. I could go on. I will add one more. The reader's love and admiration for your gift.
Okay- I am done being sappy
Suprina said…
Tonia: Your 2nd post was even deeper than the first. I may have to use that, too.

I thank God for you, my sista. For ALL of you wonderful sisters on this blog.

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