Enticing Mr. Wrong - Ch. 53.2

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Anonymous said…
Oh no! I have a bad feeleing about that "final score." Isn't that the same mentality Parker had? I'm anxious to see what drama kicks off in London.
Anonymous said…
Greg, Greg, Greg. Your boy dissed your girl. You hit him. You called out his business and broke up his home. And you think you guys are going to be cool? If you were real, I would have to slap you on the side of your head, pull your ear, and sit you down for some hard cold facts.

Its getting ready to be some smelly mess going down!
Suprina said…
Marlene: This is just like the Parker situation.

Tonia: This character flaw that you pointed out in Greg is the same one my cousin had. Cuzzo never seemed to get it that just because you grew up with somebody and they were your friend back then, doesn't necessarily mean that they are your friend now. Especially when there is jealousy about.

Of course people in the family tried to tell my cousin to watch his back, but he just keep holding out that these certain people were his friends. That surely THEY would not betray him. THEY did. My cousin ended up with 9 shoots (NINE!) to the face because of it, which meant no open casket at the funeral.

Okay, getting a bit emotional now. I'm going to sign off, pull it together, and then try to post a little bit more because I know y'all want to know what happens next.
Anonymous said…
Okay,I'm very upset with Aisha at this point. She should never have involved Jarrett in this foolishness, I gave her more credit than that. Now I'm questioning her morals. LaQuetta please keep praying cause this girl is a mess. Hooray for Delia, I'm so glad she punched that skank in the face, I just wish she has did more. I'm with Racker on Bonz watching his back. E-blade is a ready razor with gut spilling intentions and that is not good. As for Cami she got just what she deserved."Get to steppin skank". OMG! this story is driving me batty. A sister has no acrylic left on her nails and hair is all over the floor. I can't take it. (lol)
Suprina said…
Carrie: Aisha involved Jarrett because she was desperate. Sad, but true.
Anonymous said…
wow to the turn of events so far.... i hope bonz will realise that e-blade is no longer his homie (hope i said that right) soon- lol all this ghetto slang is going straigh to my head.... soon i'll be talking american slang - hehe

aisha aisha aisha.... i'm rather speechless....i know the girl's hurting, she has no clue how hurt bonz is going to be either...

poor souls! snif snif....if only they had played open cards with each other, but then this story wouldnt be what it is today!

Sorry abt ur cuz.... 9 shots.... the person(s) who shot him definitely had nothing but hate for him.... i sense anger management....its amazing what gangster life does to people!
Suprina said…
Kim: lol. Watch out. These Americans are rubbing off on you (lol) in a GOOD way though.

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