Enticing Mr. Wrong - Ch. 53.2
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Its getting ready to be some smelly mess going down!
Tonia: This character flaw that you pointed out in Greg is the same one my cousin had. Cuzzo never seemed to get it that just because you grew up with somebody and they were your friend back then, doesn't necessarily mean that they are your friend now. Especially when there is jealousy about.
Of course people in the family tried to tell my cousin to watch his back, but he just keep holding out that these certain people were his friends. That surely THEY would not betray him. THEY did. My cousin ended up with 9 shoots (NINE!) to the face because of it, which meant no open casket at the funeral.
Okay, getting a bit emotional now. I'm going to sign off, pull it together, and then try to post a little bit more because I know y'all want to know what happens next.
aisha aisha aisha.... i'm rather speechless....i know the girl's hurting, she has no clue how hurt bonz is going to be either...
poor souls! snif snif....if only they had played open cards with each other, but then this story wouldnt be what it is today!
Sorry abt ur cuz.... 9 shots.... the person(s) who shot him definitely had nothing but hate for him.... i sense anger management....its amazing what gangster life does to people!