Enticing Mr. Wrong - Ch. 49.1

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Anonymous said…
Ohhh, there is a medical condition whose name I won't mention
(I won't spoil it) that explains what is happening to Delia. Now, I'm really interested in Delia's Story. So many women suffer from it and think its them not a medical condition. Unfortunately, few seek help or can afford help. Is that where you're going with her story? Can we have a tiny spoiler?
Also unlike Vongai, I am married and I want your other book. (Hee-Hee)
Suprina said…
Tonia: I plan to give you guys a spoiler of Delia's story. I'm wondering if we're talking about the same medical condition. Email me with your answer and I'll let you know if it's the same (I'm trying not to give everything away too. lol).

As for that other, other book (Country Gal Gone Wild) I think it's going to be one of my best sellers for the sex tips alone. Fortunately, there's a hidden message in the story and so the sex tips won't be the only thing highlighted therein.

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