VOD Instructions

1. Go to my Main Website and pay one-time access fee ($4) for V-O-D Blog. Here’s the link: http://mochainterlude.bravehost.com/Orderinfo3.html

2. Once I receive notification from Paypal, I will send you an invite via email. Please make sure I have the correct email address that you will be using to comment or access blog.

3. Respond to invite email by clicking on the To View This Blog link.

4. Accept the invitation by signing in with your Google Account (If you don’t have a Google account, please create one because you are going to need it to access this blog. You can only use the guest option for a month. The story might be longer than that).

5. Once you have accepted your invitation, click on the View Blog link and start reading (once the new story has transferred or to just check out the site beforehand). Next time you can go directly to the blog, though they might ask you to sign in with your Google Account again, if you signed out in between visits.

***For those that already have paid, you will follow instructions # 3 - 5 only. See you at the VOD soon!


Suprina said…
To all new VOD members: Thanks for signing up! Remember to bookmark the site once you're signed in so it'll be easier to find it again when you want to return.

Much luv.

Anonymous said…
Hey Suprina .. i liked the new look of the blog .. looks gr8888
Thanks Mary :)
Suprina said…
Mary: Thanks, girl. Welcome abroad. I hope by you posting at this point in the story this means you're caught up with everyone else. By the end of the week, we're going to the V-O-D.


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