Pursuing Mrs. Regrets - Ch. 12.4

Across town, Delia put her private toy in a shoe box and tucked it away on the farthermost top shelf of her closet. Though she didn’t need the toy right now on account of Royal’s expertise, she was saving it for a rainy day.

That’s gonna be my man from now on, Delia mused, determined to forget all about what happened between her and Royal.

If only she could forget how deliciously he looked positioned above her, beneath her, behind her, and in front of her as he made the sweetest love of all to her. And she could never forget how Royal felt in all those positions – hard, manly…right.

Okay, if I keep this up, I may have to make this another cold shower, Delia thought, wishing that she could turn her thoughts away from Royal as easily as she turned the shower dials in her hands.

* * *

After reassuring his worried mother that nothing had been severely injured upon his body, Royal drove Carmen to church on that bright Sunday morning. Instead of listening to the hip-hop or R&B music that he usually enjoyed while driving, Royal’s radio dial was now tuned into a gospel channel. That radio station had been switched before he ever left his house.

Oh, yes, Royal knew how to play the part of a good Christian well. However, he wasn’t sure he could pull it off as easily today. Today his mind kept wondering back to those hours with Delia. Even now he barely heard anything his mother said from the passenger seat. He just kept nodding in the right places.

All Royal could think about was the incredible way Delia had responded to him. The way she allowed him to lead every step of the way, behaving like a willing student to his tutelage. He’d never met a more cooperative woman.

Delia also proved herself to be a fast learner. She quickly put the things he taught her into action, behaving as if they had always been second nature to her. And when she played cowgirl to his horse, Royal almost forgot his name.

I will have you again, Delia Valentine, he mused, willing to do whatever it took to be with that amazing woman again.

© 2008 by Suprina Frazier


Suprina said…
Off to bed now. Enjoy all!

Anonymous said…
It is guaranteed that Royal will get Delia to have some more "hot sex" with him. It will just take some persuading on his part before it will happen.
Suprina said…
Jessie: I can only smile at your post. You're so close to the truth 'til it ain't funny. lol (and yet I laugh anyway). lol.

Stay tuned...

To all: I'm trying to post huge chunks of story today now that I've met a few school deadlines. Hopefully nothing won't get in the way of that.


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