Author Note

Though I answered this question in the comment section, I wanted to post it again here to make sure everyone sees it.

Q: When does the VOD start? Will you just post it on the blog when it does?

A: The VOD officially starts at Ch. 23. It would have started at Ch. 22, but I wanted to let EVERYBODY (VOD-ers and non-VOD-ers) see Royal get right with God again first (spoiler).

For those signed up for the VOD, Ch. 23 will be the first post over there. It will NOT appear on this blog.

On to other things now…

I want to take this time to personally thank all our new readers for joining in on this blog. I hope what you read here gave you a different view of inspirational novels. Perhaps even a different view of Christians as a whole. After all, we’re just people, too. We make lots of mistakes, yet it is our faith that prompts us to get back up and try it again, believing that this next time we will do it the RIGHT way.

I want to also thank those who stopped to buy books along the way. That was very encouraging. A sista really felt the love knowing that you put action behind your words when you could.

For those who signed up for the VOD, what can I say, “Thanks, and get ready to continue the fun over there very soon!”



Hi there. What is VOD? I see we share a similar tagline. I'm Edgy Inspirational Author blog. :)
Suprina said…
Michelle: My VOD (View-on-Demand) blog is a literary form of Cable’s PPV and In-Demand services. Simply put, it is a private blog with an attached one-time access fee of $4.00.

This enables readers to go in and out of that blog at will for the duration of the story being featured. Readers get a complimentary E-Book of the featured story at the end.

As for our similar tagline, I'm headed to your blog to check it out now. Be on the lookout for me.


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