Enticing Mr. Wrong - Ch. 60.1
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If this sleeptime confession hadn't happened, Aisha might have waited too long and other things would have been set in motion (i.e. Millsap's hit, police investigations).
By Bonz knowing the truth now, he was able to nip the situation in the bud on multiples level.
I am soo glad that Racker got out the game,too. And that he married Alexis.
Bonz knows how to handle his business. I like the way he is wrapping things up for Aisha and his pharmacy business. He leaving it behind in the best way he can considering the nature of the game.
As for Bonz knowing how to handle his business, that's one of the reasons he was a general. He understood the bigger picture. Knew what needed to happen in the game to keep peace. Let's just hope Millsap is a good leader, too.