Enticing Mr. Wrong - Ch. 56.3
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This chapter reminds me of a guy i knew in school. he was shot in the back three times by a friend in the drug game with him and was left paralyzed.
I am glad you are getting this story out there. So many of our men and women have lived this life or know someone that has.
Suprina, please get this book to the publisher ASAP! This is a must read.
I am too. My hands were a little on the shaky side when I edited that betrayal scene.
"SUPRINA (shouting!weeping even) how could you kill Racker? well i mean E-Blade did it but why? I feel sad for Alexis and her babies! But at least her man had married her, but still i'm heartbroken. Can we kill somebody else? someone like Cami? anyone but Racker!!!!!!!!!sigh"
Vongai: Just hold your horses. Stop wishing death on folks. Remember sometimes innocent people die...sometimes they DON'T.
Stay tuned and you'll see...