Enticing Mr. Wrong - Ch. 56.1
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Where did that girl get a bomb? I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of an unsaved Aisha! I hope she doesn't kill someone he the explosion.
I am sooo glad Aisha got saved. Isn't perfect that Jarret was the one to help lead her?
I understand wanting to stop product on the drugs she thinks killed her brother but did she even think she might kill someone in the explosion? Someone else's sister could suffer the lost of a brother or a cousin,.
Here's the real spoiler now:
1. Right before every shipment, lab workers are given 2 days off. Why? Because once that shipment comes in, they will be working around the clock to process those drugs just right (according to Bonz's specific instructions) before they hit the streets.
2. Aisha knows Bonz's dedication to getting that shipment processed just right and she knew when his next shipment was. All she had to plant a bomb to destroy the lab on a day and during hours that NO ONE would be there.
Hope that answers your questions.
I enjoyed reading "Why we all need a Savior", it was awsome. And Aishas actions proves why.