Enticing Mr. Wrong - Ch. 51.1

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Suprina said…
To all: Hopefully this chapter answered a lot of your questions.
Anonymous said…
I think I hinted in the begining that it may be Frederico and I guess I was right...Alot of friendship, trust, and love is gonna be broken...So sad.
Suprina said…
Subrina: You were right about Fredrico all along. You are right about a few other things, too, but you'll have to wait for those confirmations as well. Telling would just spoil the story too much.
Anonymous said…
OMG! Does E-Blade need to literally stab Greg in the front instead metaphorically in the back for him to get it?
I feel soo bad for Greg, two of the most important people in his world are lying to him.
At least Aisha loves him.
Anonymous said…
I knew ol' Freddy had something to do with it!

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