Upcoming Blog Changes

I wanted to update everybody on a few changes that I've decided to implement on the blog. The first is the Friday Date Night.

Due to an unexpected increase in editing deadlines, I will be running the Friday Date Nights only on a quarterly basis from now on.

This means that Friday Date Nights will run from Jan - March, May - July, and finally from September - November.

This leads to the second thing I wanted to talk about. The other months (April, August, & December) will be months that I run full samples of various books. That's right. During those three months, a different book will be featured in its ENTIRETY. Keep in mind that after those months are over, half of those books will be taken off the blog.

Finally, I ask you all to pray for me during this time. I'm a one-woman team (in desperate need of an assistant), which means a lot of the editing, order processing, and basic day-to-day posting falls on my shoulders. Though I love every minute of it, some days there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything...including working on new projects, homeschooling my daughter and ministering to the rest of my family's needs. So I really welcome your prayers.

Oh yeah, before I forget. Since April is one of the full feature months, look forward to seeing a new chapter each day (Mon-Fri). My weekends will be spent doing some of the other things I mentioned earlier.

That's all for now...



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